In this tutorial novel and safe communication technologies for intra-body area networks will be discussed. In particular this tutorial will focus on ultrasounds and coupling techniques for communications inside the human body with the specific aim of overcoming the limitations and weaknesses of the currently employed radio frequency waves (e.g. those considered in IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6 standards for low power and Wireless Body Area Networks) and performing efficient, low power and safe communications.
To this aim we will start by describing a generic architecture for BANs, analyzing the proposed standards and then we will focus more in detail on the body issues, thus highlighting the unique features of the human tissues. To this aim, we will discuss what are the design aspects to be taken into account upon devising protocols and architectures to support smart wireless healthcare, by also identifying limits and drawbacks of existing methodologies. Then, we will recall basics on ultrasounds physics and coupling by explaining how these technologies can be proficouously employed for overcoming the weaknesses of solutions so far proposed.
The tutorial will be mainly focused on illustration of the physical aspects of these non-radio frequency (RF) techniques able to send biomedical data over tissues and attention will be also devoted to practical aspects related to experimental testbeds and activities in these fields by shading light on their high Technology Readiness Level.
Program outline:
1. Intra Body Area Networks (IBAN): application requirements and design aspects 2 Architecture and Standards for Body Area Networks. 3. IBAN: State of the Art on RF solutions. 4. Alternative RF techniques: Ultrasounds (US) & Coupling Methods. 5. Basics on US physics, suitability for use in smart wireless healthcare, State of the art for IBAN 6. Basics on Coupling Techniques: Inductive Coupling (IC), Capacitive Coupling (CC)Galvanic coupling (GC), State of the art for IBAN. 7. Communication techniques comparison (US, IC, CC, GC). 8. Experimental testbeds of US and Coupling Techniques. 9.Open issues/challenges.
The 3 speakers will alternate in the presentation by discussing approximately 3 of the above sections each.
received her laurea degree in Electrical Engineering from University
of Catania, Catania, Italy, in 2001. In March 2005 she got her Ph.D. in Electrical, Computer
and Telecommunications Engineering at the same university under the guidance of Prof. Sergio Palazzo. Since 2002 she is also at the Italian National Consortium of Telecommunications (CNIT), where she worked as a Research Fellow within the VICOM (Virtual Immersive Communications) and the SATNEX Projects. Since November 2010 to October 2019 she has been Assistant Professor at University of Catania. From November 2019 she is Associate professor at the same university. Her research interests include unconventional networks including ultrasonic and microfluidic networks, ad hoc and sensor networks in general, protocols and algorithms for wireless networks, and network performance analysis. From May to July 2005 she has been Visiting Scholar at the COMET
Group, Columbia University, NY working with Prof. Andrew T. Campbell. In September 2015 she has been Visiting Professor at Central Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris. She is senior member of the IEEE. Dr. Galluccio is and has been Leading Guest Editor of Elsevier Journals, and IEEE Magazines. She serves and has served in the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Elsevier Computer networks, IEEE Communication Letters, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), and Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal. She has been involved in the Organizing Committee and TPCs of numerous conferences such as ACM NanoCom 2020 (TPC Co-Chair), ACM MobiHoc 2019 (Local Arrangment Chair and Workshop Co-Chair), European Wireless 2018
(General Co-Chair), European Wireless 2017 (Workshop Chair), First International Workshop on Smart network Technologies and Edge computing for the Tactile Internet (STET 2018), jointly held with IEEE NetSoft 2018 (Co-chair), International Workshop on Network Intelligence (NI 2019) Machine Learning for Networking, jointly held with IEEE Infocom 2019 (TPC Co-chair), International Workshop on Network Intelligence “Learning and Optimizing Future Networks” (NI 2020) jointly held with IEEE Infocom 2020 (TPC Co- Chair), UNconventional Intrabody Communication in Bodynets 2014 and 2015 (Special Track organizer).She serves/has served also in the TPC of prestigious conferences such as IEEE Infocom, Globecom and ICC. She was awarded the Best Paper award by the IEEE Communications Society e-health Technical Committee in 2017 for the paper G. Castorina,
L. Galluccio, S. Palazzo, “On modeling information spreading in bacterial nano-networks based on plasmid conjugation” IEEE Trans. on Nanobioscience, Vol. 15, No. 6, 2016.
She is co-author of two international patents in the field of Unconventional communications.
ANNA VIZZIELLO received the Laurea degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electronics and computer science from the University of Pavia, Italy, in 2007 and
in 2011, respectively. Currently she is a Senior Research Assistant with the Telecommunication and Remote Sensing Laboratory, University of Pavia, Italy, under the Research Grant on “Intra-body communication systems for nervous signal transmissions”.
In 2015-2017 she was working on communication algorithms for N-RFID network within the national PRIN GRETA Project and in 2014-2016 she was involved in a collaboration with SIAE microelettronica company for a high data rate modem design. She has been Visiting Researcher in several universities: in 2011 and 2016 she was with Northeastern University,
Boston, MA, working on communications for implanted sensors; from 2009 to 2010 with the
Broadband Wireless Networking Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, under the supervision of Prof. I. F. Akyildiz, and in 2009 and 2010 with the Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, on the subject of cognitive radio networks in the European
FP7 FARAMIR Project. From 2007 to 2009, she collaborated as researcher with the European Centre for Training and Research in Earth quake Engineering (EUCENTRE) for
biomedical data transmission within the EU PROETEX Project and an Italy-Turkey FIRB Project. Since 2013 she collaborates with the European Commission as Referee for the peer evaluation process of the proposals for FET call and H2020 ICT call.
She has been included in the 2018 list of “N2Women: Rising Stars in Computer Networking
and Communications” for outstanding and impactful contributions in the area of networking/communications, supported by the IEEE Communication Society.
In 2017-2018 she has been Guest Editor for the Special Issue “Internet of Wearable and Implantable Medical Things: Theory and Applications” – Sensors Journal, and currently is Associate Editor on IET Electronics Letters and Executive Editor on Transactions on
Emerging Telecommunications Technologies.
As expert in the field, she has been invited to deliver talks on the subject of “Wireless Networks of Sensors and Implants”, including UPC, Barcelona, Spain, April 9-13, 2018 and
Centre for Health Technologies, Pavia, Italy, October 13, 2016, among the others.
She has been involved in several research projects and published her research in international journals and conferences, on the topic of intra-body networks, 5G radio technologies, cognitive and wireless sensor networks.
She has been often involved as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of several
international conferences (more than thirty), such as IEEE ICC 2019, IEEE GLOBECOM
2017, IEE ICC 2017, IEEE INFOCOM 2015.
PIETRO SAVAZZI received his Laurea degree in Electronics Engineering and Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Computer Science from the University of Pavia, Italy, in 1995 and in 1999, respectively. In 1999, he joined Ericsson Lab Italy, in Milan, as a system designer, working on broadband microwave systems. In 2001, he moved to Marconi Mobile, Genoa, Italy, as a system designer in the field of 3G wireless systems. Since 2003, he has been working at the University of Pavia where he is currently teaching courses on signal processing, wireless communications, and wireless sensor networks for biomedical applications. His main research interests are in wireless communications and sensor systems, with a focus on modulation and coding, adaptive signal processing, MIMO architectures, intra-body networks, and wearable wireless sensors.
During his research activities, he has been involved in several research projects and contracts, some of them as the principal investigator. He authored more than 70 papers, in
both international journals and conferences, and one patent. He is or has been a member
of the Technical Program Committee for several conferences like, for instance, IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE), IEEE
Vehicular Technology Conference, IEEE Sensors. He served as a frequent reviewer for several international conferences and journals, including IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Access, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE ICC and Globecom conferences. Since 2018, he has been serving
as an associate editor for IEEE Access.